Also known as vaginal reconstruction and vaginal tightening surgery, vaginoplasty is a procedure which is designed to tighten and rejuvenate a women’s vagina. During the procedure, the cosmetic or plastic surgeon will tighten the muscles and repair any damage to the soft tissues of the vagina. Many women who seek vaginal tightening surgery do so to correct the weakening of the muscles of their vagina caused by aging, or following the birth of a child. As a benefit of correcting these issues, vaginoplasty can improve the appearance of the vagina, help with urinary incontinence, and also significantly improve the pleasure derived from sexual intercourse (for both partners).
Vaginoplasty may be combined with labiaplasty, hymenoplasty, clitoral hood reduction surgery, labial puffing, and/or perineoplasty in order to provide a more complete rejuvenation of the vagina.
The extent and number of procedures completed will be dependent on the particulars of your case, as well as your individual goals and expectations. Whether you want to improve the sexual appeal and appearance of your vagina or are experiencing functional problems following the birth of a child, vaginoplasty surgery can rejuvenate and improve the tightness of your vagina.
Vaginoplasty Methods
There are variations to the approach for conducting vaginoplasty surgery. The exact technique used by the surgeon will vary based on his or her training, the condition of the patient’s existing tissue, the amount of correction necessary, as well as the desired aesthetic outcome that the patient is looking for. Your cosmetic or plastic surgeon will recommend the type of vaginal tightening surgery, as well as any secondary procedures, that will together achieve the results you are looking for.
Traditional Surgical Vaginoplasty
Traditionally the incisions are made inside the vaginal vault with the aim to remove excess lining (mucosa), as well as shorten and rejoin the muscles in the back of the vagina. This has the effect of tightening both the vaginal muscles and tissue while also reducing the size of the opening of the vulva. As necessary, excess skin and tissue will be removed and the surgeon will then close any incisions with dissolvable sutures. In the event that the stitches used are not dissolvable, they will be removed by your surgeon at a follow-up appointment. Visible scarring is minimized as the majority of the procedure is completed within the vaginal vault.
Laser Surgery for Vaginoplasty
More recently laser surgery for vaginoplasty has become an option within the Canadian market. The difference between traditional vaginal tightening and laser surgery for vaginal tightening relies mainly on the surgical techniques involved. Traditional vaginal tightening involves incisions made with a scalpel, while laser vaginoplasty is a procedure that features specialized laser techniques to minimize or eliminate blood loss, reducing the length and intensity of recovery.
Vaginoplasty Plastic Surgery
Vaginoplasty surgery is a relatively straightforward, outpatient procedure that is performed while the patient is under general anesthesia or using a combination of local anesthesia and intravenous sedation. Surgery can be completed in as little as 1 hour, however, the actual length of the surgery may vary based on the number and type of additional procedures being performed (i.e. labiaplasty, etc.).
There are variations to the number and placement of the incisions used for vaginal tightening surgery. Given the particulars of your specific case and desired outcome for how tight you would like your vagina, as well as its shape and appearance, your surgeon will employ one or more of the methods for conducting vaginal tightening surgery (described above) after having discussed it with you during your consultation.
Next, your surgeon will make a number of delicate incisions made in concealed areas, remove excess skin and stitch the remaining tissue back together with absorbable sutures that gradually dissolve as you heal. Conversely, your surgeon may employ specific laser techniques to modify and sculpt the shape and size of the vaginal vault creating an overall tighter or “snug” vagina. One of the benefits of laser surgery is that it is shown to reduce the frequency of bleeding, while also reducing the amount of time required for recovery.
Vaginoplasty Recovery
Today’s techniques allow for a relatively comfortable and brief recuperation after vaginal tightening surgery. Most patients take 2 to 5 days off from work to rest and heal at home, although they are still able to move about the house and participate in light activities.
Full recovery prior to the resumption of sexual activity takes quite a bit longer at 6-8 weeks following surgery. It is very important to carefully follow your plastic or cosmetic surgeons’ directions for self-care after surgery. At your follow-up appointments, your surgeon will gradually clear you to resume specific activities as your progress in healing permits.
While you wait to be cleared for more demanding activities, try to limit physical exertion, and apply cold compresses to sooth pain and reduce swelling.
If pain and swelling persists, contact your surgeon to find out if your pain, redness and swelling is normal, or a sign of a problem requiring additional attention.
Vaginoplasty surgery will permanently tighten and reduce the volume of your vaginal vault, while also improving the sexual function of your vagina by reducing the size of its opening. Vaginal tightening surgery can greatly improve the sexual satisfaction of both you and your partner and help restore your confidence in bed.
It is also important to note that the rejuvenating effects of a vaginoplasty surgery can be adversely by changes in weight, childbirth and ageing. So consider carefully whether you are finished having children prior to proceeding with vaginoplasty.
As one of the fastest growing areas of elective surgery, vaginoplasty surgery is both quite popular and quite safe. However, no surgery is completely free of risk. In general, potential risks following from vaginal tigtening surgery include reaction to the anesthesia, hematoma or seroma, infection, bleeding, loss of sensation, damage to local tissue and organs, pain and discomfort.
Be sure to speak with your cosmetic or plastic surgeon about the benefits and limitations associated with vaginoplasty surgery, and ensure that you fully understand the procedures and their related complications prior to moving forward with surgery.