Male breast reduction surgery is the most effective way to treat gynecomastia, or enlarged male breasts. This procedure is generally sought by men who are self-conscious or uncomfortable going shirtless in public. During the procedure the plastic surgeon will use one of a number of different options to remove excess fat, skin and glandular tissue to restore a flatter, firmer more masculine chest profile.
If you suffer from one or more of the following issues you may be a good candidate for male breast reduction surgery.
- You are unhappy with the size or appearance of your chest.
- You experience physical discomfort because of your gynecosmastia.
- You have good skin elasticity. Successful gynecomastia surgery involves adequate skin contraction after your excess tissue is surgically removed.
- You have first tried diet and exercise to reduce your chest size and have stabilized your weight to within thirty to forty pounds of your ideal body weight before surgery.
- You are not significantly overweight. While surgery will still help, the results will not be as good.
- You do not use marijuana, steroids or drink alcoholic to excess (it is thought that these substances may contribute to the development of gynecomastia).
Gynecomastia can present at any age, and male breast reduction can be performed safely and successfully on teenagers and adult men alike.
Other procedures commonly combined with male breast reduction surgery include liposuction and abdominoplasty. Speak with your qualified cosmetic or plastic surgeon to ensure that you plan your procedures to ensure the best possible results for you.
Gynecomastia and its Causes
Gynecomastia is the term used to describe swelling of the breast tissue in boys or men, which is caused by an imbalance of the hormones estrogen and testosterone. Gynecomastia can affect one or both breasts, sometimes unevenly.
Signs and Symptoms of Gynecomastia
- Swollen breast gland tissue
- Breast tenderness
Newborns, young men going through puberty and older men may develop gynecomastia as a result of normal fluctuations in hormone levels, overuse of recreational drugs/alcohol, use of specific prescription medications and other more serious health conditions. Be sure to speak with your doctor to determine the cause of your gynecomastia.
Male Breast Reduction Methods
There are variations in the methods used for male breast reduction surgery. The exact technique used by the surgeon will vary based on a patient’s existing breast tissue, the amount of excess skin to be removed, and the desired pectoral profile of the patient. Your cosmetic or plastic surgeon will recommend the method of male breast reduction surgery that will best achieve the results you are looking for with the least amount of scarring possible.
Liposuction for Breast Reduction
Depending on the amount of tissue to be removed, male breast reduction surgery may be performed using liposuction alone. Some of the advantages of using liposuction for breast reduction surgery are that it is a less invasive procedure with a shorter recovery period. In addition liposuction surgery leaves virtually undetectable scars on the breast in addition to providing long lasting results.
During the procedure the surgeon will make an incision either near the edge of the areola or in the armpit. Through one of these access points your cosmetic or plastic surgeon will remove excess fat and/or glandular tissue, thereby reducing the size of your breasts and leaving you with a tighter, more masculine looking chest.
The best candidates for male breast reduction surgery using liposuction are those who need or desire only a slight, to moderate, reduction in breast size.
Tissue Excision for Male Breast Reduction
In cases where there is more tissue to be removed from the breast, surgical excision of the tissue will provide the best results. The reason for this is because the surgical approach to the correction of gynecomastia will allow the cosmetic or plastic surgeon the ability to correct stretched or loose skin around the pectoral muscle at the same time as the removal of the excess tissue. While likely to leave more scarring than liposuction alone, tissue excision allows the surgeon to remove a larger amount of glandular tissue and/or skin, while sculpting your chest into a firmer, more masculine profile.
The location and length of the incisions used will depend on the extent of surgery required to achieve your goals, but are typically located around the edge of the areola (peri-areolar incision) or within the natural creases of the chest. Your cosmetic or plastic surgeon will recommend the method of male breast reduction surgery that will best achieve the results you are looking for with the least amount of scarring possible.
Male Breast Reduction Surgery
Male breast reduction surgery is generally performed as an outpatient procedure while the patient is under general anesthesia, in some cases local anesthetic and intravenous sedation will be used. Given the particulars of your specific case and desired outcome for the shape and appearance of your chest, your surgeon will employ liposuction, surgical tissue excision, or a combination of both approaches.
The method selected during your consultation will allow the surgeon to remove excess fat, glandular tissue and/or skin, and to reshape the breast tissue in order to create a firmer, more masculine looking chest.
Depending on the volume of breast tissue to be removed, some numbness in the area of the nipple may last for a number of months, however it usually abates over time. Also, while there are variations to the number and placement of the incisions used for breast reduction surgery, in all cases, with proper planning and self-care, the size and appearance of the scars can be hidden and minimized.
Male Breast Reduction Surgery Recovery
As with other breast reduction surgeries, most patients require at least 1 week off work to rest and heal at home. While you will still be able to move about the house and participate in light activities, it’s important to carefully follow your plastic or cosmetic surgeons’ directions for self-care after surgery.
You will likely need to refrain from heavy lifting and vigorous activities for at least several weeks. Additionally, upper body exercise is discouraged until your chest muscles have fully healed. You will also likely need to wear a compression bandage to aid in healing for several weeks after surgery. At your follow-up appointments, your surgeon will gradually clear you to resume specific activities.
Surgery Considerations
Male breast reduction surgery can give you a firmer, more masculine looking chest that will last a lifetime so long as you take care of yourself and maintain a stable weight. In addition, use of certain perscriptions, steroids, overuse of recreational drugs/alcohol, and certain medical conditions could result in a recurrence of gynecomastia. It is important to note that as a result of the natural aging process the musculature and skin elasticity will continue to deteriorate over time, though your chest will likely still have a better appearance than without the surgery. As with most other breast surgeries, male breast reduction surgery will leave some scarring. If properly cared for these scars will typically fade with time.
Because it both alleviates physical and emotional discomfort while also enhancing a patient’s appearance at the same time, gynecomastia surgery can be one of the most rewarding cosmetic surgery procedures performed.
As the most popular elective male procedure, male breast reduction surgery is quite safe. However, no surgery is completely free from risk. Some of the possible complications include numbness in and around the nipple, bleeding, infection and reactions to anesthesia.